Tucson’s Chinese History – Sandy Chan


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This is a 3 session course with 3 separate topics and 3 separate
presenters: “The Building of the Southern Pacific Railroad Through

Southern Arizona and It’s Chinese Workers”, “Building a Chinese
Community”– the arrival of Chinese people, distinguished individuals,
their legacies and historic events that affected their lives including a
case study of a Chinese Mexican family; and, “The Tucson Chinese-
Owned Grocery Stores 1881-1991” – the rise and fall of these stores,
what it was like growing up working in one and the benefits of these
stores to the overall community.
Presenters are members of the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center’s
History Committee: Sandy Chan is a published author, maintains a
website and has been a participant in many local projects involving the
historic Chinese community; Robin Blackwood has organized and
presented symposia, lectures, history tours and oral histories; she is the
curator of the TCCC’s Hi Wo Collection and recently worked with the U
of A on a project involving the Chinese area destroyed in Tucson’s
Urban Renewal in 1968; Dr. Howard J. Eng is a native Tucsonan who
grew up in two grocery stories and worked for more than 15 years in
his own family’s store. He is writing a book about Tucson’s Chinese
grocery stores.
Three Tuesday afternoons: November 5 th , 12 th , 19 th at 2:00 p.m. in the
Activity Center’s Hopi Room.