Tucson Desert Art Museum February 13, 2025 10:30
Membership is required for this course. Memberships are good for life. If you have never become a member, please click HERE
Arrangements for this educational tour are managed by a specified tour leader.
Participants will need to drive themselves to the tour-site; directions and parking information will be provided. (This is a change from previous terms).
Car-pooling is encouraged.
The Tucson Desert Art Museum collections of Native American textiles, classic and
contemporary paintings, photography and digital media make it a premier repository of art
drawn from many regional southwestern cultural traditions. The Museum hosts national
exhibits from the Smithsonian Institution, Women Artists of the West and American Women
Artists. Our museum docent will share insights into the museum’s history and tell us more
about the expressions of southwest culture and history demonstrated in these amazing
Leader Jani Kuker 405-204-1862 email: [email protected]