Registration closed 12/31/2024. Thank you for your support.

Short Story Writing


Membership is required for this course. Memberships are good for life. If you have never become a member, please click HERE

For an introductory video, please click HERE

SKU: 202515 Categories: ,


Everyone has to story to tell!  This is your opportunity and the easiest topic to write about is something you have experienced. 

The first session requires participants to bring a short story or vignette to share with the class.  We will work on ways to grab the reader’s attention, to utilize figures of speech, metaphors and similes and to create an ending that will leave the reader wanting to read more.  If you have tried writing, think you could write more, this is a class for you to gain confidence and skill.

Presenter:  Alan Williams is a Sun City resident, an enthusiastic writer, a long-time English teacher and avid ILR participant.

3 Tuesdays, February 4, 11 and 18 at 9:00 a.m. in the Activity Center’s Hopi Room.